Thursday, March 14, 2013

Milna, where have you been?

It's been almost a month since I last posted and I am very very sorry for no being active again on my blog. I know some of you have been waiting for the Milnamania of the Month last February and I failed to announce the winner. Please read for you to know the reason and please do understand before you put negative comments or hate comments. I have a lot of explaining to do where I've been.

First, since last January I've been planning my son's first birthday. My last blogpost was Feb.17, and after that I've been very busy preparing for his birthday. We celebrated JM's birthday last Feb.22 because we are leaving to Kuwait Feb.24 together with my son's nanny.

Second, Feb.24 came and some papers of the nanny still hasn't done processing so I have to leave with my son, just the two of us. Imagine the 12-hour long flight with a one year old boy, dang it was hard. It was his first time travelling by plane, so it was not easy. 

Third, after arriving in Kuwait I have to take care of my son, me together with my mom and hubbhie, and because the nanny hasn't still arrive I have to do all the chores when it comes to my son which by the way I haven't done since he was still newborn. After his 1st month we already got the nanny so I wasn't the full time mom back then. It was 10 times harder now because he's starting to walk and being the curious cat all the time.

I forgot all the social network because of him. Whenever I touch my phone he always grab it. He wants to see whatever I'm doing, and because of that I can't even tweet or post on instagram. He also has a strangers and separation anxiety, I can't even pee because he will scream and cry when I left his sight. 

Fourth, I left all the prizes for my MOM in my friend but I forgot to give her the money to send the items, and now she is super busy with her work.

Please do understand and I sincerely apologize for abruptly pulling out the Milnamania of the Month.

Thank you for understanding and please don't get tired on reading my blog. I can still do some blogpost  but I can't guarantee you that I will always have one like before. I'm still waiting for the nanny to come.

Please do follow me on Twitter: mhielnah
and instagram: milnamania

If you have any questions or suggestions or any request please don't hesitate to contact me :D

Thank you so much